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Energy saving / carbon reduction measures and results

Capital Securities, in response to the National Net Zero Emission Policy and to utilize the influence of the securities industry, actively promotes the greenhouse gas inventory and verification from itself, from which it develops strategies and action plans for energy conservation and carbon reduction, and supervises the progress of implementation in order to identify and deal with the related impact activities.

Energy management

The Company has adopted a management system and a series of energy conservation measures to improve the energy mechanism, in order to effectively manage energy consumption and enhance efficiency, while helping to reduce operating costs, and also achieve environmental care and sustainable development commitments. It is expected that by the end of 2030, the average annual reduction will be 1.43% compared with the base year.
Base Year Short-term Target
Mid-term Target
Long-term Target
2023 1.43% reduction from base year 2.86% reduction from base year 10% reduction from base year
First, we have adopted a systematic approach to manage and supervise energy use and efficiency within the organization, and then regularly identify opportunities for improvement and evaluate the effectiveness of energy-saving measures and controls to ensure that resources are invested in a way that achieves the expected benefits. In addition, we regularly review the utilization of contracted capacity annually to ensure the implementation and effectiveness of low-carbon strategies and action plans.
Energy Saving Measures Environmental protection recognition Quantity Energy Saving Benefits(kWh/year) Resources Invested(NT$)
Replacement of LED lighting fixtures Energy Saving Label 106 sets 14,195 92,644
Replacement of air-conditioning equipment Energy Saving Label 2 sets 1,752 57,000
Replacement of multifunction printers Dust Free 2 sets 48,338 107,280
Total 64,285 256,924
The Company's energy usage is mainly comprised of outsourced electricity used in the course of business services at each of its operating locations, and a small amount of gasoline and diesel fuel consumed by its company vehicles and emergency generators.
  • 1. Boundary: All business locations in Taiwan.
  • 2. Base year: 2023.
  • 3. The types and amounts of energy used are, in descending order, outsourced electricity, diesel fuel, and gasoline, and the respective energy consumption is analyzed in the table below.
Capital Securities’ Energy Use Analysis Over the Years
Year 2022 2023 Unit
Energy typ Outsourced electricity 9,890,058 9,815,408 kWh
Diesel fuel 4,982 2,222 Liter
Gasoline 12,527 12,428 Liter
Energy consumption 36,171.59 35,801.88 Gigajoule (GJ)
Energy intensity 6.41 6.41 Gigajoules (GJ) / per NT$ 1
million in revenue
Percentage of increase/decrease in energy intensity over the previous year Increase
Decrease of
Note 1: Energy intensity is calculated using operating revenue (millions of revenue/NT$) as the denominator (rounded to the second decimal place).
Note 2: Energy consumption was converted according to the "Energy Products Unit Calorific Value Table" in the 2020 Energy Statistics Handbook of the Energy Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), electricity: 860 kcal/kWh, diesel: 8,400 kcal/liter, gasoline: 7,800 kcal/liter.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Greenhouse Gas Emission Policy

Capital Securities is aware of the impact of climate change and environmental ecology by greenhouse gases, in order to fulfill the corporate responsibility for environmental protection, we are committed to the greenhouse gas inventory, to truly control the status of greenhouse gas emissions, and to adjust the greenhouse gas emission reduction action plans and plans in a rolling manner through the P-D-C-A cycle of improvement management methodology, and to put forward the following commitments to environmental sustainability:
  • 1. Continuously promote the implementation measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • 2. Actively evaluate and utilize renewable energy.
  • 3. Comply with national environmental protection laws and regulations.
  • 4. Follow the national net-zero carbon emission target.

Greenhouse Gas Management Organization and Structure

The Company has established a greenhouse gas inventory executive team, which is responsible for issues such as improving energy efficiency, energy conservation measures, evaluating the use of renewable energy, greenhouse inventory and emission control, and emission reduction measures. In addition, the Company conducts bi-weekly reports and discussions on issue impacts in the Environmental Sustainability Section under the Sustainable Management Office, and then reports quarterly to the Sustainable Development Committee on issue trends, action plans, and target achievement status.

In the end, the Sustainable Development Committee makes a resolution and reports or discusses the content to the Board of Directors, so that it can effectively supervise the progress and resource investment. It is expected that by the end of 2030, the Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions will be reduced by an average of 1.43% per annum compared with the base year.
Base Year Short-term Target
Mid-term Target
Long-term Target
2023 1.43% reduction from base year 2.86% reduction from base year 10% reduction from base year

Energy Usage and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory

The Company continues to promote the ISO14064-1 greenhouse gas inventory, and has commissioned a third-party verification organization in 2023 to assess the completeness and correctness of the inventory information in advance, and has been assured of its completion by KPMG Taiwan in April 2024, reaching a new milestone in greenhouse gas information management and greenhouse gas emission reduction.
Capital Securities' Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis Unit: tCO2e
Year 2022 2023
Direct Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Scope 1) 447.24 357.23
Indirect Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Scope 2) 5,034.04 4,858.63
Total 5,481.28 5,215.86
Greenhouse Gas Emission Intensity
(tCO2e/million in revenue)
0.971 0.492
Emission intensity increase/decrease
percentage over the previous year
- Decrease of 49.35%
Note 1: The source of data is the electricity bill, electricity allocation table of the building, and gasoline voucher.
Note 2: Scope 1 emission factor is based on “Greenhouse Gas Emission Factor Management Table (Version 6.0.4) of Ministry of Environment, Executive Yuan”.
Note 3: The power factor is based on the power emission factor announced by the Energy Administration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (0.495kgCO2e/kWh in year 2022).
Note 4: Emission intensity is calculated using operating revenue (million in revenue/ NT$) as the denominator (rounded to the third decimal place).

Low Carbon Strategies and Action Plans

The accumulation of awareness and consensus among employees is the key to achieving energy conservation. Therefore, we regularly organize training, response, and awareness-raising activities for employees to educate them on how to adopt energy-saving measures in their daily work. At the same time, through bonuses and competitions, employees are implicitly involved in energy management, which is accepted by employees and leads to the formation of a corporate culture.
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Action Plans
Strategy Action Plan
Personnel respond to low carbon action
  • 1. Encourage colleagues to reduce the use of elevators in reasonable circumstances.
  • 2. Personnel pay attention to keeping doors and windows closed in areas where the air-conditioning is in use.
  • 3. Advocate turning off the lighting equipment when it is not in use.
  • 4. Advocate turning off manually the power of electrical equipment in all units during off-duty hours, weekly holidays and consecutive holidays to reduce standby power consumption. Such as rice steamers, water dispensers, computers, printers and office machines, etc.
  • 5. Advocate from occasional energy-saving benefits and environmental protection concepts to colleagues through activities, e-mails or other means.
Energy saving activities at business locations
  • 1. Control the number of elevators in operation according to the commute time.
  • 2. Low carbon management of air-conditioning equipment:
      I. Control the main unit of air-cooled water chiller to dispense water and adjust the temperature of ice water upward by 1 degree Celsius to save electricity.
      II. Set the indoor air-conditioning temperature to 26 degrees Celsius before work at 07:30 and after work at 17:00 daily.
      III. Add small air conditioners to replace large air conditioners during off-peak hours.
      IV. Regularly clean and maintain air conditioners to improve operating efficiency.
  • 3. Set the advertising signboard on the outside wall of the branch office to turn off after 12:00a.m. to avoid wasting electricity.
  • 4. Set the power-saving mode for office machines to keep them at sleep mode during the time when they are not in use.
  • 5. Install time controllers in water dispensers to keep them off on holidays or during the late-night hours.
  • 6. Adopt responsibility zone management to turn off lighting and air conditioners that are not in use at any time.
Replacement for high energy consumption or old equipment
  • 1. Prepare budges to replace air-conditioning equipment according to energy consumption or service life conditions.
  • 2. Replace the old lamps with LED lamps to reduce heat and electricity usage.
  • 3. Replace the fire exit indicator, escape direction indicator and fire protection indicator by LED lighting equipment.
  • 4. Replace functional machines that consume a lot of electricity with more energy efficient ones.
Improve official vehicle use efficiency
  • 1. The use of official vehicles is based on the principle of shared rides.
  • 2. Encourage employees to use the public transportation system.
  • 3. Regular inspection and maintenance of official vehicles.
Green Procurement Through our procurement system, we promote the procurement of green products by requiring suppliers to provide products that meet the standards of environmental protection, energy conservation, and green building materials, or green products that comply with the requirements of recycled materials and low pollution that have the same performance and less impact on the environment. In addition, we pay attention to the improvement of resource utilization efficiency of various office and electrical equipment, and actively supervise and implement them.
Continuous improvement mechanism Regularly review the contracted capacity usage every year to ensure the proper implementation and effectiveness of low carbon strategies and action plans.

Resource and Waste Management

In the face of the severe challenge of increasing global water scarcity, the Company is committed to promoting the sustainable management of water resources to ensure that while water resources create economic value for the Company, they can also be properly and reasonably utilized and protected.

Establishment of water resources management

The Company has established a water resources management target and conducts regular monitoring of all departments and business locations within the organization to assess the potential for water saving, which is expected to be reduced by an average of 1% per annum compared to the base year by the end of 2030.
Base Year Short-term Target
Mid-term Target
Long-term Target
2023 1% reduction from base year 2% reduction from base year 7% reduction from base year

The Company's water consumption has no significant impact on water resources.

  • 100% of the Company's water sources are tap water, and there is no use of groundwater or other sources of water supply. The sources of water in Taiwan, the main operating area, are from the Taiwan Water Corporation and the Taipei Water Department.
  • The Company's wastewater is domestic wastewater, which is mainly used for drinking water, air-conditioning systems, cleaning, etc. It is used by employees and customers, and the wastewater is legally discharged to the sewage system after use, or discharged into the effluent system according to the requirements of the local community to comply with the standards for discharging domestic wastewater.

Active Publicity and Education

In addition to organizing regular publicity and education activities to explain the correct concepts of water use, we also post water conservation slogans near water-using equipment to cultivate the habit of water conservation. In particular, the severe water shortages in the spring and summer seasons of the past few years have increased employees' awareness of the issue of water scarcity, and have encouraged the implementation of water-saving measures in the workplace and at home.

Continuous Improvement

We continue to seek management systems, new equipment and technology to improve water conservation and efficiency. For example, we install water-saving devices to regulate water output, replace old water-consuming equipment, use water-conserving equipment with water-saving labels, and even evaluate the introduction of intelligent equipment and energy-saving monitoring facilities to facilitate the more precise management of water resources usage.

The above measures can effectively enhance the efficiency of water resources usage and contribute to the protection of water resources, demonstrating the Company's strong commitment to the sustainable development of the environment.
Tap Water Consumption Analysis
Year 2021 2022 2023
Water consumption (kWh) 25,160 52 ,374 52,422
Increase/decrease over the previous year Decrease of 14% Increase of 108% Increase of 0.092%
Number of employees in the whole organization 1,977 1,876 1,910
Average water consumption per person (kWh/person) 12.73 27.93 27.45
Note 1: The significant increase in 2022 data is due to the new inclusion of allocation of public water consumption at the Dunnan Office (Stock Agency Department) and the head office in the water consumption inventory.
Note 2: The source of data is the water bill and the water consumption allocation table of the building.
Note 3: The number of employees in the whole organization increased by 1.81% in 2023 compared to that in 2022, which led to an increase in total water consumption, but the success of water conservation resulted in a decrease in the average water consumption per person.

Waste Management

Capital Securities has been actively implementing waste management and setting targets in an attempt to promote a high level of recycling economy by turning waste into resources to minimize environmental impacts to address resource scarcity and environmental pollution issues. In addition, Capital Securities is also contributing to the achievement of greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, which are expected to be reduced by an average of 1% per year by the end of 2030 as compared to the base year.
Base Year Short-term Target
Mid-term Target
Long-term Target
2023 1% reduction from base year 2% reduction from base year 7% reduction from base year

Classification and Reduction of Wastes

The Company operates in the financial services industry, and its waste is mainly domestic waste. The Company strictly implements the strategy of waste reduction at source and waste recycling classification, and requires its employees to distinguish between general waste and resource recycling, with the former being transported to the incineration plant by the local property management company of the building or a qualified waste disposal company for treatment, and the latter being handled by the professional and qualified recycling company for proper disposal of the recyclables.

In promoting the greenhouse gas inventory project, to ensure the completeness and correctness of waste statistics, the Company conducts regular measurements of all its waste, and the types and data are listed below.
Capital Securities’ Waste Analysis
Unit: metric tons
Type Item Treatment method 2022 2023
Non-recyclable General waste Incineration 67.4838 60.5561
Recyclable Confidential documents Water soluble treatment 39.57 39.57
Total weight of waste 107.0538 101.4061
Recycling Rate 37% 40%
Usage increase/decrease from the previous year - Decrease of 5.6477
Percentage of increase/decrease over the previous year - Decrease of 5.3%
Number of operating locations in Taiwan 1,876 1,910
Average water consumption per person (kWh/person) 57.0649 53.0921
In view of the waste statistics, the Company has implemented recycling activities for waste through publicizing and encouraging measures to help reduce waste generation, which in turn results in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Continuous Improvement and Collaboration

The Company continuously tracks and evaluates the effectiveness of waste management. At the same time, the Company actively cooperates with other enterprises to jointly promote the recycling of resources and circular economy issues.

Green Procurement

Starting from the Company's procurement system, the Company promotes the requirement at the procurement stage that suppliers provide products that meet the standards of green products such as environmentally friendly, energy-saving, and green building materials labels, or environmentally friendly products with the same performance and less impact on the environment, such as recycled materials and low-pollution products. Meanwhile, we also pay attention to the improvement of resource use efficiency of various office and electrical equipment, and actively supervise and implement them at the end of the process.
Procurement Category Green Procurement Label Amount of Green Procurement(NT$) Percentage of Green Procurement
Repair and maintenance
  • 1. Green Building Material Label
  • 2. Fire Prevention Label
  • 3. Environmental Protection Label
  • 4. Energy Saving Label
  • 5. Water Saving Label
1,114,000 3.6%
  • 1. U.S. Energy Star Label
  • 2. Energy Saving Label
  • 3. Environmental Protection Label
  • 4. North American UL EcoLogo
25,515,000 27.2%
Office Supplies Overseas PEFC label 1,418,000 28.9%
  • 1. Carbon Reduction Label Insurance Service
  • 2. Carbon Reduction Label Transportation Service
  • 3. Rent-to-Own
6,657,000 9.9%
Total 34,704,000 17.7%

Other Green Transformation Campaigns

In addition to the environmental protection measures mentioned above, Capital Securities has been actively promoting other green transformation campaigns, which are briefly described below:

Three major digitization measures to help promote green transformation

  • The first measure is to digitize account opening.
We promote the opening of securities accounts, the opening of e-accounts, the opening of trust accounts, the opening of 3-in-1 accounts (credit, securities lending, and borrowing) through our webpage and APPs, and other online account opening channels, which helps reduce the overall greenhouse gas emissions from customers' transportation and waiting at the counter.
  • The second measure is to digitize transactions.
We offer service-based/transaction-based APPs, such as the promotion of “Capital Securities Mobile Winner Smart Transaction” and “LINE@ Social Community Platform”, which not only reduce the use of paper and care for the environment, but also contribute to the benefits of greenhouse gas reduction. To date, our APPs have been downloaded nearly one million times, with a growth rate of 90% in the last two years.
  • The third measure is to digitize reconciliation of accounts.
We provide customers with electronic statements for all financial products and continue to promote them through various activities, striving to effectively reduce energy and resources such as printing paper, ink, and multifunction printer energy consumption, as well as to promote greenhouse gas emissions reduction and reduce the impact of environmental pollution.
  • At the same time, in order to facilitate the use of digital technology by all customer groups, reduce their waiting time, and realize the goals of financial inclusion and fair treatment of customers, we have designed easy-to-understand explanatory videos and instructional videos to explain and demonstrate online account opening and electronic transactions. In addition, we provide warm instructional explanations at each of our operating locations in order to implement digital equality.

Green Digital Transformation within the Organization

  • Announcing various information via online bulletin boards and reducing photocopying of paper information
  • Actively promoting the adoption of electronic signature mechanism.
  • Without violating the management system, we promote the improvement of resource use efficiency, such as: recycling and reuse of non-confidential or non-customer information documents, encouraging electronic files to replace paper, replacing fax paper with e-mail, and other digital green measures.

Responding to Environmental Activities

Professional Cooperation on “ESG Tree Planting and Carbon Sink

In response to the call of the social enterprises “Green Hope Spring” and the “Online UBrand of United Daily News”, Capital Securities, together with Taitung residents, gave a different gift to Taiwan through the “Tree Planting Activity”. We sponsored the planting of 10 Diospyros philippensis trees, a native species of Taiwan, at the Green Tree Avenue demonstration site in Zhenxing Village, Chishang Township, where the conversion of the land from betel nut trees has allowed us to conserve soil and water and capitalize on the value of the land in the future. We hope that people from all walks of life can pay attention to sustainability issues and plant a better future for Taiwan.

Key Results

A 10-year-old Diospyros philippensis tree can absorb 180 kgCO2, reduce 472 kgCO2e, and produce 94,551 kg of oxygen per year, and it can also retain 352 metric tons of groundwater and reduce approximately 1,895 kg of soil erosion. We have planted hope and made commitments to protect the land and reduce greenhouse gas emissions for decades and even centuries, echoing the spirit of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) No. 17, and realizing the goals of green finance and sustainable finance.

Turn Off the Lights for 1 Hour on Earth Day and Plant Trees to Love the Earth

In response to the “Turn off the Lights for 1 Hour” campaign, the Company has turned off the lights for 1 hour at its head office and 52 branch offices across Taiwan. Moreover, on its corporate website, the Company called on its customers and employees to jointly respond to the event by saving electricity and caring for the Earth, demonstrating that the Company's promotion of sustainability is no longer just a slogan, but is also a serious implementation of the goals of sustainable development and sustainable finance. Not only do we contribute to the capital market, but we also contribute to the sustainability of the earth, and we hope that the future society will benefit from the benefits of the Capita Financial Group.
Earth Day

Moving forward to the Lujiao Creek Wetland to protect the earth and maintain the water environment

In 2023, the Company responded to the CommonWealth Magazine's call to “do something for the Tamsui River” and actively fulfilled the Tamsui River Convention. We took our employees to the Lujiao Creek Wetland to support environmental protection and love for the earth through a series of activities such as water quality monitoring, aquatic organism observation, bird survey, identification of local native species, and removal of the Mikania micrantha, a strong invasive species. Through on-site exploration and experience, we have the opportunity to educate our employees and their families on the importance of biodiversity and maintaining the ecological balance of the wetlands.

Through this activity, we hope to arouse the public's awareness of water resources and environmental conservation, protect local native species, safeguard biodiversity, and internalize environmental care as part of our daily lives.
Earth Day Earth Day

Capital Securities Tea Offering Station:Together for Plastic Reduction and Love the Earth

Capital Securities and ACUO, the leading manufacturer of water dispensers, have jointly organized the “Tea Offering” campaign. Since September 2023, Capital Securities has launched the “Capital Securities Tea Offering Station” in each of its business locations, and installed “Love the Earth Plastic Reduction Counter” in the water dispensers to allow customers and employees to bring their own containers of water and at the same time, they can recognize the amount of bottles they have reduced for the Earth, and feel proud of their efforts in caring for the environment and reducing plastics to love the Earth.

By the end of 2023, a total of 106,986 plastic bottles have been reduced, resulting in a reduction of carbon emissions by 13 tCO2.
(※A 600ml plastic bottle produces about 0.121 kgCO2e of greenhouse gas emissions.)